I recently had a big ol' argument with my mum. For a lot of us, and certainly as portrayed in the...
Poem: Finding Authenticity
It's been many years since I knew,
what I wanted to 'be' or 'do'...
Ideas from others sent me askew,
and further from 'me' I grew...
My soul was lost, alone, and blue,
Its needs and wants I threw...
But now I know to reclaim this view,
I must let myself live true.
It's been many years since I knew
what I wanted to 'be' or 'do'...
Ideas from others sent me askew
and further from 'me' I grew...
My soul was lost, alone, and blue,
Its needs and wants I threw...
But now I know to reclaim this view
I must let myself live true.
It's been many years since I knew
what I wanted to 'be' or 'do'...
Ideas from others sent me askew
and further from 'me' I grew...
My soul was lost, alone, and blue,
Its needs and wants I threw...
But now I know to reclaim this view
I must let myself live true.
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